How Different Auto Dialers Are From Predictive Dialers?

Auto dialers and predictive dialers are among the most important innovations for outbound call centers. Both of them automate the dialing process and remove the hassles in manual dialing and human errors. When you use one of them, you don’t need to:

  • Waste your time punching in the phone numbers
  • Wait for the calls to be picked up by a live human
  • Hear answering machines, busy tones, and no response tones


The above attributes make them quite similar to each other. But when it comes to the way they work and their technologies, they are extremely different from each other like chalk and cheese. This write-up explains auto dialers and predictive dialers in detail and highlights some of their major differences. Read on to know more.


What is an auto dialer?


As the name suggests, an auto dialer is outbound automated calling software that dials phone numbers from a list of contacts automatically, waits for the call to be picked up by a live person, and then connects the call to a live agent. 


It is programmed to detect and skip answering machines, busy tones, and no responses. Before launching an outbound campaign, agents need to upload a contact list and the auto dialer dials the numbers sequentially. 


What is a predictive dialer?


A predictive dialer is automated calling software that calls multiple people simultaneously. It uses statistical algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) to dial phone numbers before agents end the previous calls. That provides agents with a steady queue of calls as soon as they wrap up their ongoing call. 


It enables agents to connect with a maximum number of people and ensures the optimal usage of time.


Key differences between an auto dialer and a predictive dialer


To understand how different auto dialers are from predictive dialers, let’s take a look at some of their key aspects and see how they compare to each other.


  1. The way of making calls


Auto dialers dial phone numbers from a list of contacts and connect available agents with the live people who pick up the calls.


Predictive dialers place calls just a few seconds before an agent ends the ongoing call by estimating the agent’s availability and call duration.


  1. Scalability


Auto dialers are not as scalable as predictive dialers. They are suitable for teams with less than eight customer service representatives.


Predictive dialers are highly scalable and are suitable for large campaigns and teams. They can add and remove multiple agents from a row, which makes them suitable for big organizations and contact centers. Predictive dialers perform well with large campaigns as their algorithm gets more data to use.


  1. Complexity of technology


Auto dialers place one call after the other. They just need manual setup of dialer rate per agent and they are good to go.


Predictive dialers are much more complex. They use sophisticated statistical algorithms and AI technology to determine dial rates as well as decrease the amount of agents’ downtime. The algorithm, which is programmed to a customized setting, takes into account the following things:


  • the average amount of time spent on call
  • the average number of calls answered
  • and the amount of time to answer


  1. Maximizing call logs


Auto dialers maximize the entire call list by directing calls to available agents.


Predictive dialers maximize an individual agent’s call log.


Taking everything into account,


Both auto dialers and predictive dialers are call center software features that automate the manual dialing process to make outgoing calls. But when it comes to their features and benefits, they are considerably different from each other. Predictive dialers are more sophisticated, scalable, and complex compared to auto-dialers.


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