Security and Compliance: Ensuring Protection with Contact Center Software in Insurance
In 2023, many large insurance companies such as Prudential Insurance, New York Life Insurance Company, Sun Life, among others were targeted by cybercriminals. That’s because many insurers are not sufficiently protected against cyber attacks. According to the Munich Re Cyber Risk and Insurance Survey 2024, 87 percent of respondents (decision makers across the world) say their company is inadequately protected against cyber attacks. In the insurance industry, maintaining the highest standards of security and compliance is of utmost importance. That’s because insurers and insurance contact centers are soft targets for cyber criminals. After all, insurance companies are a storehouse of data for millions of customers. A single lapse in security can have severe repercussions in the form of legal actions, lawsuits, fines, miscellaneous fees, and fraud monitoring costs. But the good news is that there is a way to prevent all the repercussions. And that’s by leveraging the right tech tools