
Showing posts from February, 2023

Ways to Measure and Enhance Call Center Productivity

  Call center productivity has a great role in the growth and development of a call center . The output will be better if your agents are highly productive. Better output ultimately contributes to higher revenues. However, the question is how to determine and measure the productivity of employees. Well, this is quite a challenging task for many call centers.  What is call center productivity? Productivity in general can be defined as the amount of input required to produce an outcome. In the case of call centers, the input can be the number of call center agents and the output can be the number of customer support tickets resolved in a particular period of time.    If you are also among those who are struggling to improve call center productivity, you must read this blog to know the top call center metrics you can use to measure and improve call center productivity.  3 Key Call Metrics to Measure and Enhance Productivity of Call Centers First Call Resolution Rate (FCR) F

IP PBX- Know All About Call Routing and Call Management Options

  Call routing is a process of directing incoming business calls to a desired endpoint. To understand the process better, let’s take a practical example. Imagine you want a new checkbook from your bank. After dialing the bank’s phone number, a computer-operated voice greets you and offers you a wide range of options: Know your account’s balance Find details related to your credit or debit card Request the last five transaction details Or others   You can say you want a checkbook by pressing a number and stating your request verbally. The computer-operated system understands you want a new checkbook and forwards the call to the team that handles checkbook requests so that you can tell how many checkbooks you want and from which branch you want to receive the package.   That’s the work of a sophisticated call routing system. It knows what exactly you want and forwards the call to the right agent who can fulfill your request. The system is a boon in the present age when more than 80